Our Programs

Clubs & Committees

Upper school clubs and committees are a great (and easy) way to get involved in school life outside of the classroom, and level of involvement can be based on a student’s interests and schedule. Some groups are permanent and others are based on student interest each year. Any student can initiate a club with the help of a faculty advisor. There are a few committees with an application/selection process due to limited numbers, such as Link Crew and Student Disciplinary Committee, but most clubs and committees are open to all. Some clubs form teams or send individual representatives to compete against other schools, for example, Bioethics, Mock Trial, Poetry Out Loud, History Bowl/Geography Bee, and Robotics.

9 Square Club
Agenda Committee
Asian Student Union
B+ Committee
Best Buddies Club
Black Student Union
Cooking Club
Creative Writing Club
Dance Club
Eco Club
Ethics Bowl
FC Fútbol Club
Female Athlete Advocacy
Fridays For Future
Friends Economics Club 
Just Dance Club
Link Crew
March for our Lives Club
Math Appreciation Club
Mock Trial
Mountain Biking Club
Music Club
One Love Club
Photography Club
Prism (Literary and artistic experession)
Prom Committee
Quakappella Club
Quaker Cares Club
Random Acts Of Kindness
Robotics Club
Service Committee
Special Olympics Club
Spike Ball Club
Spirit Committee
Sports Media Club
STEMinist CLub
Student Disciplinary Committee
Studio Ghibli Club
TBB - The Brown Box Club
Tennis Addicts Club
Whittier (school newspaper)
Women in Literature Club
Women's Affinity Club
World Affairs Club
Young Democrats and Republicans Club

101 School Road, Wilmington, DE 19803
302.576.2900   |   info@wilmingtonfriends.org
Preschool - 12th Grade

Statement of Nondiscrimination as to Student Enrollment
Wilmington Friends School admits students of any race, color, gender, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students of these schools. Wilmington Friends School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, national and ethnic origin in administration of their educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school administered programs.